Monday, May 26, 2008

mood, food, work, trip, appliances

I haven't really been in the mood for blogged in a while, but as Gurney Halleck said in the first Dune book: "Not in the mood? Mood's a thing for cattle and loveplay, not blogging!"

Or something like that. So, back into it...

Went to a Chinese buffet for dinner on Friday and ate a whole honking pile of food. 2 full plates of "dinner items" Sweet and sour chicken, fried shrimp, green beans. 2 small plates of sushi, maybe around 14-16 pieces - mostly spicy crab and tuna. 1 full plate of dessert, various items. And 1 fortune cookie. I was physically uncomfortable. It was awesome.

My room-mate went away hungry. I know, I know. Seems like that would be impossible at a buffet. But, I think he didn't get the concept.

Work has been very busy, but productive. Sometimes those things really don't go together, but I've gotten a lot accomplished toward our big relaunch goal. There have been a couple of annoying snags, but we'll get through it.

Yesterday, I went with my room-mate down to his dad's house to help him clear things our. The goal was to move the washer and dryer to his work, get the curio cabinet for his secretary, and the chest of drawers for himself. The first trip to wheeling and we picked up the washer, dryer and the chest. Back to canton to unload at his work. The old washer and dryer need to be moved out and the new installed - which I'll rant about in a moment. We left the chest there at his work as well and headed back to Wheeling. In wheeling, we picked up the curio cabinet, a tv, a metal shelf and some odds and ends. Back to canton and his work site to pick up the cabinet again since it had the shelves for the curio cabinet. Then to hartville to deliver the curio cabinet. Then home to unload the rest. He had to go back into work, but I got to take a break and played some video games. He's head back down to wheeling today to do some more clearing out as they've sold the house and need to get it emptied.

Now, on to the rant about appliances... The hoses for the washer were difficult to remove - we had to find pliers to get them started. The faucets were not labeled and we had to "guess" which ones would go where. And finally, the thing that made me want to go and find an engineer so I could smack them...

Wait. The only engineering that I know is my brother-in-law and he doesn't work with this type of consumer design. So, he's excluded from the smacking.

Anyway, the cord for the dryer is too short. It's not even long enough for the plug to reach as high as the top of dryer. And the outlet is at least 6-7 inches higher up than that. So, to make it work, they're going to need to buy a longer cord and rewire the damn thing or built some kind of platform to elevate the dryer. Stupid, stupid design. We just left it undone since we were short of time, but it irked me not to be able to finish the job.

That's it for now, I'm going to try and get some sunshine today before heading back to the windowless cube farm at work tomorrow.
