Monday, April 28, 2008

the news, god of war, training

My room-mate is a big fan of the news. He gets the sunday paper and through the week will watch the local news, then the national news, then the local news again and occasionally Entertainment tonight. I usually avoid the living room while this is going on but I'll wander through at some point. It seems to me that the news is getting worse. Local news has always felt very fear based, but the national and even the entertainment feels like the end of the world.

So, I'll breeze through the room, stay long enough to get depressed, then go back to a computer game or a book.

This is not to say that I'm in the dark - I follow the news a lot on the web. In that case, though, I can take a little more open approach and mix up some of the good and bad and the other.

I understand keeping people informed, but I wonder how much of this is a self-fulfilling prophecy? If the news reports an economy in trouble, will people then behave in ways that make it worse? If a shortage on goods is reported, will that lead to a run on that good across the country? I'm not saying we should keep our head in the sand, but I just don't get all the bad news.

Instead of the news, I played a new game last night - God of War, Chains of Olympus. Interesting story - someone has kidnapped the sun god Helios and without him, everyone is falling asleep - including the greek gods themselves. And then the god of sleep is taking over. Good story, good controls, not always quite as clear where to go. I can only play it for so long since the PSP is little less comfortable to hold than the Playstation controller.

I'm in training this week for some new software. It's not too bad, but the timing is a little rough - so much going on.

Better get back to looking like I'm paying attention.


Friday, April 25, 2008

lunch, dreams

I had a somewhat stressful and - in my eyes - overly long meeting yesterday just before lunch. When asked if I had somewhere I had to be at a certain time since I kept glancing at my watch, I replied, "well, I'm getting hungry". The crew waited for me and we headed over to Chipotle - I drove since there were 4 of us and I have the 4 door car. I was still stressed from the meeting and cranky at the drivers and at the long line since we were running later than usual.

But, one of my coworkers bought me lunch since I had helped him out with a lighting issue. And I got a Sprite+lemonade+lime wedge drink that was excellent. And the actual burrito was excellent. The parking situation threatened to push me over into a bad mood, but the good stuff and the bad stuff of my lunch excursion neatly balanced out and left me with a sort of null mood.

Had some messed up dreams this morning.

1. Dreamed that I was at a large picnic, waiting for a military helicopter to land to pick me up. I had a large backpack with a lot of paper and books in case I got bored. The helicopter landed, scattering the picnickers and I got on. The huge helicopter took off and one airborne I set down my bag and wandered back to the breakroom, past the kitchen. Yes, it was that big. The soldiers there were asking me about the mission and I told them I had no idea. I explained that I had gotten a letter saying that I was to report to a specific area and get picked up by a helicopter. I told them I figured it might have been a joke until I saw the actual helicopter. They were very surprised that I was a civilian and had no training or special skills. The conversation sort of stopped at that point and we sat quietly and waited.

2. The second dream was a just a fragment - I was in engineering on the starship voyager trying to help the them navigate at high speed through a region of space that was almost filled with solid mathematical representations of their ship and a borg cube. Once we got through that - and it was amazing to watch - I headed to the mess hall and watched while the cast of Angel tried to reason with the teen-aged clones of themselves. Very odd.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

nightmare, tattoo, lights

I had a dream last night that I was behind a desk in a hotel and the lobby was filled with zombies. I was with a few other people and we were unnoticed until one of the zombies exploded and their "juices" flew everywhere. They hit some of us and a woman in my group screamed - alerting the zombies to our presence. We managed to fight them off, but it was too late - I was already infected. The group forced me to leave before I turned, so I struck out on my own. In a short amount of time, while wandering the streets, I turned into a zombie, but managed to keep my intelligence through an effort of will. I was a zombie, but I could control myself. I didn't really get much time to figure out what it meant before I woke up.

My tattoo - you know, the one I got back on march 27? - was actually starting to heal. And then last night I flexed my wrist and I felt something tear. It was a scab and I started to bleed. I got it bandaged up and put more neosporin on it, but it's still annoying.

Yesterday at lunch I put up some foam board instead of the blue transparency. Worked really well. So much so, that my co-worker wanted it set up in his cube as well. We're both prone to light-induced headaches and I'm hoping this helps. I'm also going to offer this to the rest of the crew - but I'll need to get more foam-board.

That's it for now...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

game, parking lot, filter

I played more of Divine Divinity last evening, here's how it went. My character managed to get out of the endlessly wearying caves and I sent him over to the Imp Castle in search of the Heart of the Dragon. When we got there, we found that it was a gem being guarded - strangely enough - by a dragon. Every tactic I tried met with failure and death for my character.

Finally, I summoned a "Demon Knight" creature as a distraction and ran for the exit - figuring I'd come back later when the character was stronger. Unfortunately, the nearest teleporter required a scroll from that castle, so I wandered around for a bit and then decided to head back in there to get the scroll and then run away to teleport back to the town.

I tried to avoid the dragon, but he was blocking the path and I figured I'd try to run past him. When I got close, I realized that the decoy Demon Knight was still alive and still fighting. Even better, he'd worn down the dragon so that a couple of hits from me was enough to take him down. I picked up the gem and headed out of the castle, stopping only long enough to pick up the scroll. So, learned a new plan. Get some decoy warriors going and run screaming for an exit like a little girl that just saw a spider.

Not very manly, true - but, come on, it was a freaking dragon! You'd run too.

I ran an errand last night for some project supplies and saw a car haul-ass across the parking lot. Not down the "roads", but across the parking spaces. They were going way too fast and clearly weren't paying attention. Kind of a pet peeve of mine. It bothers my room-mate a great deal as well, although he does it to. He justifies to me that he "pays attention" when he does it - which I think is funny in a way that makes me glad I have good insurance when I ride with him in his car.

The supplies I picked up included some transparent blue plastic for some filters over the lights in my cubicle here at work. The lights are always giving me a headache - time to do something about that. We'll see how it goes...

That's it for now...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

not as helpful as they could have been

My room-mate asked me to go to Lowe's to pick up some dirt for some minor lawn repair - the deal being that if I got the dirt, I wouldn't be obligated to do any actual work. Seemed like a good deal to me.

I headed over to Lowe's and grabbed a shopping cart, then headed back to the garden area. The instructions were "two large bags of cheap dirt" - which I found in the non-roofed section of the area. One of the bags had broken open and with the recent rains, all the bags were pretty much covered in mud.

I'm not a strong person. I can swim forever, but I'm just not physically strong. So, it required a great deal of effort to get the first bag up onto the cart - and I ended up covered in mud.

A sales clerk came over and offered to get me a flat cart. I said that would be great and he wandered away to find it - then brought it back. And then he - this much taller and obviously stronger guy - watched while I struggled to move the bag from one cart to another, then add a second bag. He took the first cart away and I headed to the front of the store.

I got in a short line at the checkout and waited, I think, .5 forevers as the cashier struggled with the transaction. Eventually, I gave up and moved over a lane. The cashier there was very friendly, but a little daft. She blamed it on the cold medicine when she inadvertently did a split transaction and I had to run my card twice. While the second transaction was processing, she reached down and got a tissue. I thought she was going to offer it to me since my hands - and the rest of me - was covered in dirt. Instead, she blew her nose.

I finally got out to the car and struggled again with the bags to get them in the trunk.

Plenty of opportunities for the crew there to really make my day better - but instead I got the minimum and it ended up being more work than my room-mate had when he dumped the dirt onto the lawn.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

humanity in games

This is a little psychological to start, had some thoughts about humanity in games. I used to play Diablo 2 a lot and while it was a really fun game, it was still just a game. I rarely felt drawn into it in a single player mode. In my many times through the game, I only felt really a part of it playing a lightning magic user in the Difficult mode. Even with all the might this character could create - and she was very powerful - there were still times when I would have the character wander into an area and find an ambush of highly powerful ranged attack monsters. Just as power as she was and just as fast. And sometimes, either through random placement or the AI of the game - organized. Suddenly, the game went from "vaporise the slow-moving zombies from a distance" to "run from the skeleton fire-archers". And there was excitement and a little fear. And then the game really got fun again.

Tomb Raider has a few moments like this as well. The ambush of gorillas in the arena, the lions in the temple, the 'whatever-they-are" in the final levels. Those are quickly subdued and the brief rush of excitement fades when the twin guns start blazing. TR stands out for me for another reason - vertigo. There are a few shots where Laura Croft reaches a very tall point in the landscape and will invariably look down. Even in the original version of the game, with it's low resolution, the scene would trigger my fear of heights and I would carefully back Laura away from the edge even though she would calmly stand right there for hours on her own. Fear again, but of a different flavor.

There have been other games that sparked the "jump out at you" fear and at least one that sparked the vertigo as well - but I've now found a game that makes me tired.

My character in Divine Divinity had his teleport stones stolen, but since the game must go on, I sent him into the depths of a evil undead infested cave for treasure. Well we found a lot of treasure - and a quest with a promise of adventure. The problem is that the character can only carry so much at one time. When he carries over a certain limit, he can't run. And since he can't teleport, he can't drop off the treasure and exotic weapons he finds. So, the poor dude is wandering around the increasingly deep cave, loaded down with potentially expensive shields, fighting monsters and occasionally camping down there. Since he can't run at this point, it's a slow and almost painful walk . The character has a very limited range of actions and no emotional stance, but I can still feel for the guy. Heavy burden, no light at the end of the tunnel, increasing work and danger, endless battles, no shortcuts.

Sounds like work some days. While I've been writing this, I've been working on a plan to get him out of there and then come back for the loot. He's still got a ways to travel, but I think I've restored a little hope.

Back to the game... later

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

gas, smoke, mist

My gas tank was close to "E" last evening when I came home from work, but the challenge of entering and exiting the nearest gas station at that time of the day was too much to consider after the day I had. I went on home and stopped this morning to get some gas. Not "fill up" at $3.45 a gallon, but get some and be on my way. As I pulled to a stop at the pump, the Check Gauges light came on - which is pretty good timing on my part.

The car on the other side of the pump caught my eye since the driver had gotten back in the car - which you're really not supposed to do. Even worse, on first glance it appeared she was smoking. I went back to pumping my gas and tried to puzzle that out. Was she really smoking? Should I say something? If I made an issue, would she throw the cigarette out the window of her car, making things worse?

While I was debating this internally, she finished getting her gas and drove off - still smoking. I've never seen anyone do that before and was unprepared - next time, I'm going to say something to them.

Last night, I watched The Mist on DVD. The cover of the box proclaimed it to have "one of the most shocking endings in a movie ever!" Which had me a little puzzled since the book's ending wasn't really all that shocking. But, it's a Stephen King book, so the movie is bound to screw it up somehow.

Surprisingly, it didn't - at least at the beginning. The movie was right on track with the book - scene for scene and shot for shot. Even the dialog was really close. It was well done and encouraging - I was really hoping they wouldn't tack on some cheesy Hollywood ending.

Well, the ending was different from the book. Far, far darker and very disturbing. Uncomfortably so. I was almost wishing for a cheesy happy Hollywood ending. I figured I'd have nightmares about it, but my sleep was untroubled.

that's it for now... later.

Monday, April 14, 2008

glass, injury, game, computer

One of my favorite books - Snow Crash - has a character that gets weapons past all kinds of security by making them out of glass. His favorites are glass knives and harpoons. So, in keeping with my bad-ass image of making my own weapons, I decided to make a glass knife. I had some glass left over from a stained glass project and carefully chipped it into shape- then made a wooden holder and wrapped it with some leather code to hold it into place. Not a bit of metal in it. Now, I'm not going to try and sneak it past a metal detector, but it was an interesting exercise.

And it works too - while I was putting it together I accidentally cut my finder on the edge and got a good bleeding going. Direct pressure and a band-aid took care of it - but it was a somewhat dangerous weekend for me. The tattoo still hasn't finished healing, I got the glass cut, and I cut my self shaving last evening. No hospital trips, so I'm doing okay.

Been playing a fun game on the computer - Divine Divinity. The title has really nothing to do with the game, it's a standard hack and slash adventure RPG. Lots of fun though and the quests are interesting. I've gotten my butt kicked several times, but I'm playing a lot more methodically and working my way through the orc army. I'm also saving more frequently, which is helping with my temper when my computer crashes.

Speaking of which, I had to download another fix for Norton anti-virus. Buggiest piece of software I've seen in a long time. It kept shutting down with a cryptic error message - I finally tracked it down and got the fix installed.

A pretty quiet weekend otherwise, watched some DVD's and did some reading. Oh, and I made some soap too.


Monday, April 07, 2008

churches, paint, mulch, hello, tattoo, game, movies

My room-mate and I ended up lost over the weekend - not my fault and I don't want to go into it - but the main part of the story is that we ended up in an area with a very large number of churches. A disproportionally high number - must have been 12-15 within a mile radius. Not just a few one-room-here-drink-this-kool-aid places, there was a huge church and a good sized catholic church as well. My first thought - doubtlessly from years of too much Stephen King and Clive Barker - was "something terrible must have happened here". Couldn't figure why else there would be so many churches in a small area like this.

On the drive into work I saw some new graffiti - stenciled onto a support post under a bridge. Normally, I'm pretty disdainful of stenciled graffiti - if you're going to be a vandal, at least be creative about and do your own work - but this was pretty clever. It said "Waste of Paint".

Springtime around here means a weird mix of warmth and cold. The weekend was nice and I got a little sun. Spring also means mulch and the campus is covered in it. It looks great, but the entire campus smells like manure. At headache inducing levels. Still, the mulch will stay and the smell will fade, so I guess we can wait it out.

One of the grounds crew was doing a little sweeping up as I came in this morning. I said hello and she responded with a very cheery hello right back. I came inside and said hello to one of my colleagues - who completely ignored me. There are several in the building that do that. They don't make eye contact and they don't respond. I mean, I know we're geeks and all, but at least say hello or something. sheesh.

My tattoo is not healing well. I think the return to swimming was soon and it's still irritated and scabbing. I put some neosporin on it last night and wrapped it - I'm hoping it gets better today. I brought my gear, but I think I may skip my swim.

I played a new game over the weekend - divine divinity. Standard RPG, but only three classes. I started off with the "thief" - though they call it the "survivor". I did okay, but only by chugging potions every time I fought a monster. Decided to start again with the warrior and I'm kicking a lot more ass - I'm also better at solving the quests and I haven't failed any of those yet.

Watched a couple movies over the weekend - Hitman and Black Sheep. Really good stuff. Hitman was a lot of fun - pretty good, if simple, story and lots of great action and explosions. Black Sheep was scary, gross, and funny. Very funny in some parts. Genetically engineered carnivore sheep, were-sheep, mad scientists, plucky hero with a sheep-phobia - what's not to love?

Finally, I watched 30 Days of Night last week. Really good show - one of the best vampire flicks I've seen in a long time.

Guess that's it for now. I'm not really looking forward to work this week, but I'll get through it.


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

doctor, swim, idiot

I took my room-mate to the doctor this morning - he was going for a colonoscopy. He was doing fine after the procedure - but we decided to call the recovery area the "snoring and farting ward". For obvious reasons. I had taken him for an endoscopy a few weeks back - it was only fair since he had helped me when I had my weapon-grade migraine a while back.

I hit the pool today after I got in and had our weekly meeting. The pool was configured the long way again and though I did my standard equivalent of 30 laps, I was pretty tired at the end. My arm is a little sore too for some reason, but I'm still glad I could get it in.

On the way back to the office, I witnesses the following sight:

A white guy. In a light, metallic purple (let's just call it lavender, okay?) 4 door car that wasn't a Taurus, but might as well have been. He was blasting rap music out of his speakers and "singing" along with it a the top of his lungs.

I wanted to lure him out of his car with some snacks, tag him with a radio collar to track his movements, and get him into some kind of counseling program to help him figure out exactly how he got to this point in his life. It was disturbing and sad.

That's it for now... time to head on out.