Thursday, October 28, 2004

lunar eclipse & squirrels + fire

I saw the eclipse last night - really cool. I was doing some work on my costume and had to go in and outside several times. Each time I went out, I could see more of the progress, until it was finally gone. Couldn't stay up for the whole thing, but I found some pictures on the web that show it in all it's glory. Makes a person feel a little small when you think about the grand forces and mathematics of the planetary movements.

Had a weird thought yesterday about squirrels. They seem so focused and busy, especially this time of the year. Wonder what would happen if we could teach them to use fire? If awareness and knowledge could be given to these so called tree-rats? For one thing, I think the neighborhood cats would be in deep shit. I don't think it would take long for squirels to become militant and agressive. After all, they've been low mamals on the totem pole for a long time - payback would be a bitch. With this in mind, I plan on feeding the squirrels all winter. To stay on their good side. Just in case...

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

mentally falling out of bed

Tons of weird dreams this morning - tons. Fragments from work, amalgams of people, falling, being chased, college, hip and my back are sore and I'm exausted. When I finally did manage to extract myself from the dreams and get up, I felt like my mind had fallen out of bed. And I mentally hit the floor pretty hard. Didn't help that I'd shaved off my beard last night, I didn't recognise myself for a moment when I looked in the mirror this morning.

So, now I'm at work and if I didn't have two meetings today I think I would have taken a sick day and gone back to bed. "Severe Reality Impairment".

Costume is coming along, despite some setbacks. Had to modify my original plan a bit, but I'll get it done in time.

Well, back to work...

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


No, no - not the year. Well, sort of. I'm talking about the book -and more specifically the re-writing of history to fit a new set of "facts". It was a big thing in the book, poor Winston Smith spending all day rewriting the historical records to reflect the latest propeganda.

I've noticed this phenomon among real people, in the here and now. They tend to blur the line between fact and convenient fiction - rewriting their story as the situation changes so that the advantage is theirs. Or at least, so that the fault isn't.

Are they lying? Yes, usually from the very start - and then it just compounds from there. The stories get more fanciful - the tales of woe are filled with even more woe.

The curious thing is that they tell so many tales that they forget where the truth is. I think that's why they end up distorting things so much, they forget which lies they've told which people.

Do they know they are lying? I think deep down, yeah, they know. But on the surface, one of these "1984"ers will keep back peddling and shifting gears to avoid being "caught".

So, why this topic? And why now? A few things have come to light about my former room-mate that have reemphasied his 1984 behavior. Must be nice to live in a world where things always go your way. I, in contrast, feel very firmly rooting in reality.

And it bites.

So, how do I deal with those who have lost their grip? I don't. You can't catch them in a lie because they don't think they're lying. So, the best bet it just to ignore what they say and don't put anything of yours on the line. Treat them like a good book. Totatlly fiction, lots of plot twists and a surprise ending. And know that you can always close the book and get on with your life at any time.

Which is what I did.

And now, I'm going back to work...

Monday, October 25, 2004

rubber-neckers should be decapitated

So, I'm headed south on Friday, making my way toward Canton. We're all going along just fine, when suddenly, everyone slams on their brakes. And I mean slam, none of this "coasting" to a stop. I nearly spilled my soda.

And then it's stop and go for about 7 miles. Mostly stop.

When we finally get up to the reason for the slow down - I nearly set the dashboard on fire with my swearing.

There was an accident. On the other side of the road. All the cars were pulled off to the side. No one was hurt.

So, since this had nothing to do with our side of the road, why was traffic slowed to a stop? Rubbernecking. That great american past-time where we all hope to see someone else's misfortune. And if there's a body, so much the better.

Okay, all you sick bastards out there - find something else to do. The first fools who slowed down nearly caused a whole slew of accidents behind them. Pointless, stupid and cruel.

There. I feel a little better.

Back to work...

Thursday, October 21, 2004

low on gas, lost in my living room

Forgot to stop and get gas last night. This morning, the needle is hovering close to the E. I had enough to get to work, and shouldn't have a problem getting to a station after work, but I hate letting it get that close. I don't have triple A since I don't travel much and the thought of running out of gas worries me a bit.

I moved some stuff back into my living room last evening, it's still pretty empty. I think I may keep it that way - I was always triping over stuff before and it was over-run with junk. The only major thing I may add is an area rug - if I can find a good deal. Simplify - that's the goal.

Gotta work on my costume today - only a few days left and I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to work on it over the weekend. It won't be the most detail oriented I've done, but it will be the most massive. There's a mask involved too, and I'm a little worried about the logistics of that one.

Well, time for me to get back to work - got another "ASAP project" to do.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

clever at subway

I wanted to document this so that it isn't lost. My greatest downfall is being clever. I can never resist trying to be clever and it always backfires. Every single freaking time.

Except for yesterday. I went to subway and ordered my usual - Turkey/Bacon on Italian bread, lettuce only. When my sandwich artist got to the vegetables part of the order he glanced up at me when I said "lettuce only". "No sauce or anything?" he asked and I said no and that I like it "extra plain".

Normally, this would result in dazed look in the person's eyes, but this time - my artist got the mild joke. He chuckled lightly, then said - "hey, it's better for you anyway".

And when he rang up the order, he stopped in the middle and said he might be able to make it cheaper. He did some kind of combo order thing and saved me about 50 cents. Not much, granted, but it was still a nice gesture.

So, in summary:

I said something mildly clever
The 'victim' got the joke
I got a better deal on my sub

The curse of backfiring cleverness is broken. Let the bells ring out my victory - I can be clever again!

Back to work, where I may attempt to be clever. Ha!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


The signs for various political candidates are everywhere these days. And I just heard that GW has spent more on advertising than any candidate has ever done before. Wouldn't it be nice if anybody could run for office without spending millions to do it? There don't seem to be any ground rules to this anymore. How about this:

1. publicly list your views, credentials, and plans for the future.
2. have an independent panel review what you've said - if you lie, you're disqualified.
3. you pay a small processing fee and you're on the ballot

that's it. No ads, no backstabbing. Civil, just, and fair.


It'll never work.


Monday, October 18, 2004


Having a little trouble getting motivated today - the stuff I have to do here at work is, well, kinda boring. Gotta fill out my timecard too - by hand, since they don't allow online submissions. And you have to use a #2 pencil to do it. Lame.

Had a pretty good weekend - just kinda lazy and enjoying it. I needed that - big time.

More cleaning to do this week - and a halloween costume to build. It's just about done inside my head, and then all I have to do is make it real. Sounds simplistic, but that's really about it - once I've imagined it, things pretty much fall into place.

Did some wood carving last week - the final piece was well received. Gave me a bit mor confidnece in doing that kind of work - it means that I'll be more likely to try more things. I'll try to get a pic for my site one of these days.

Well, guess that's it for now... back to work.

Friday, October 15, 2004

A fresh start

Well, my room-mate finally got his stuff out yesterday. He left a lot of junk behind - I'll have some clean up to do. I was a little sad last night - he just handed me the keys and left. No apoligy, no good-bye, just walked out the door.

Today, though, I'm in a much better mood. It feels like my home again, a feeling that I was really missing. Locks are changed, windows and doors are secure. It's mine.

There are a lot of memories there, to be sure, so I'll get this place back in order and move out at some point in the not too distant future.

I'm just so relieved that it's finally over.

Well, a short day today - time to get to work...

Thursday, October 14, 2004

last day

Well, at least I'm hoping its the last day. Feels like I've been trapped in an elevator with an idiot. We're approaching the ground floor and I'm just about ready to kick his sorry ass out the door and make repairs so I can go back to the penthouse. Like tomorrow will be a day to start over.

And I wonder what I'll go home to today. What kind of a mess will be left behind. One thing's for certain, I'm going to have to invest in garbage bags. He hasn't planned ahead enough to do a good job.

And why should he? He figured that I'd simply cave again and give him even more time. What a surprise it must have been for him - when I stood my ground. Funny how fury will do that to a person.

The best part will be when the cloud finally lifts - when things are finally over. And I can get back to being myself - quirky, fun, and well...happy.

For now, though, I'm simply going back to work...

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

so much for the good mood...

Well, I should have seen this one coming. My room-mate just called and tried to push things back - that he'd get the "big stuff" on Saturday. I told him, no, the move out day is Thursday, just as we have been planning for 2 weeks. I told him that the locks would be changed on Friday and that was it. He said that he understood and that he's got the rest of the stuff out already, but that he'd need to get the big stuff on Saturday. I told him, no, he didn't understand - Thursday is the move out day. I was nearly yelling at him - which I don't do at work.

He finally said "I guess I'll find someplace else to sleep and have everything out on Thursday". And then I hung up on him.

I am so freaking mad right now - I've had depressing blogs but this must be my angriest. I'm still shaking. I just can't get a break - he's going to be an asshole right to the very bitter end.

And to think I was starting to consider taking time off and helping him. I might take the time off anyway, just to keep track of my stuff.

The good mood is dead. I don't see it coming back until that blissful moment when the landlord hands me my brand new shiny key.

Time to go home...

a good day yesterday

And it was. Work pretty much sucked, but I'm used to that. Got the utility billing set to be switched over with no problem. Worked on a project that turned out to be easier than I thought, so I'm way ahead of schedule.

The only concern, again, was the room-mate situation. He's not behaving like someone who has to move out on Thursday. I'm going to drop the bomb on him tomorrow about the locks being changed. I shouldn't have to - since he's told me he'll be out on Thursday - but in case he's planning on dragging his feet I want to forestall the drama.

Well, time to get back to work...

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

mildly out of sorts

So, Jeff and I moved a bunch of my stuff to his place to "get it out of the way" for my room-mate's move. At least, that's the cover story. I reality, I'm just trying to make sure some of the smaller, valuable items I own don't get moved out with his stuff. Do I think that will really happen? Well, 3 months ago I would have scoffed at the notion. Now, I'm not so sure. This whole deal has made me a little colder and a lot angier in general. I'm hoping I can get it out of my system when all is said and done. I don't like feeling this way - and I don't like that I have to feel and act this way to get some common courtesy and respect from people who claim to be my friends.

Did some homework - writing up some text for a web page at work. Not too bad, kinda relaxing really. Got some meetings and stuff going on today- the usual crap.

Heading over to the cities utility billing department today to get that in motion. They have to do a meter reading, which I hope I can time to do at the same time the landlord does the walk-thru. I've already cleared taking the time off with the boss - so no worries there.

Well, back to work...

Monday, October 11, 2004

just plain stupid - revisited

Just talked to the landlord about the lock-change on Friday. He's cool with it and we set up a time. He also asked me about the dogs - and we finally got the story straight on that one.
When I realized that the girlfriend and her dogs were not moving out, I asked her about it to make sure I had the info straight before I went to the landlord. My room-mate told me that he had already spoken to the landlord and gotten approvals. I was surprised, but figured it was case closed.

The truth is that the landlord saw my room-mate with the dogs and asked if they were living there or just visiting. He was told "just visiting".

It was "not okay" with the landlord and I apoligized for not following up anyway. He was totally cool with it - which is quite a relief for me.

Also, the landlord has been trying to get in touch with me for several weeks now, and leaving messages for me at home. Messages that I never got - they were erased before I heard them. He didn't have my work number correct, so he was happy to hear from me.

It's good that the landlord is on my side and is willing to work with me. And that now things are inexorably in motion. No turning back, no extentions.

4 days to go...

Back to work again...

just plain stupid

All weekend long, my room-mate kept telling me that he hadn't forgotten about me - that he was going to pay the rest of the rent he owned me on Sunday. So, on Sunday, he gives me $45 dollars, saying he'll give me another $5 later. I just looked at him, then told him I thought it was supposed to $600 total, of which the $45(50) only brings it up to $300. He told me there must have been a miscommucation. He apparently thought I only wanted him to pay for 1 of the months he owes me, instead of both. He said he gets paid on Friday. Simple mistake, I'm sure.

My ass. Just another "1984" style re-write of his mental history. And this on the heels of the Big Apoligy.

This is the last week for that nonsense. I left a note for him to call me today so we can go over some last details for Thursday. I'm going to contact the landlord to get the locks changed on Friday. I've got one little glimmer of hope left, but I'm pretty sure anyway that he's going to be an ass.

For the record, if the situations were reversed, I would have been out of there by September 5th.

In other news... Got home from dinner on Saturday, with plans for movie watching and a hot cup of tea. Unfortuantly, those plans were put on hold for a bit, since my first step into the apartment was right into dog-crap. Yep, a whole heaping, steaming pile of it. The dogs were banished to the basement for the duration of the clean-up - took us a while. Carpet, shoes - and as an added bonus, a puddle of dog piss at the top of the stairs. Number one reason I don't have a pet. Put me in a really bad mood for the rest of the evening. My room-mate's girlfriend was apoligetic, but not nearly enough so. She took the dogs out for a walk as soon as we explained what had happened - which is a nice gesture, but clearly too late. The dogs may be mad at me - since I yell at them when they try to come in my room. Good thing I keep my door closed.

And so this doesn't end up an entirely bad blog, I've got some good news. I finally figured out what I'm wearing for my Halloween costume. Not scary this time, but it should be cool. And it shouldn't be too complicated to set up - though I'm still short on time. I won't say more about it - I want it to be a surprise, but it should be cool.

Back to work...

Friday, October 08, 2004

italian dinner and friendly conversation

Went out to dinner last night with my buddy Scott - did a little catching up and just hung out. I think we were at the resturant for about 3 hours or so - it had been a while since we'd had a chance to talk.

Earlier in the day, I'd listened to a message on the machine from my room-mate's ex-wife. She started off by saying - "I'm sorry, Anthony. This message isn't for you at all." And then she launches into a tirad against my room-mate and his girlfriend. Foul language, insults, and a threat of ass-kicking were all doled out. Delightful. I left a note on the message board by the door - "Message from lunatic on machine"

So, when I got home from dinner, I talked to them about the message and there was much head shaking at the ex-wife's continued maddness. It was a friendly conversation - totally normal.

His girlfriend has been making a big deal out of packing and as far as I know, things are on schedule. But I'm still wondering about the rent check and the deadlines I've set for them. I'm feeling more and more that the apoligy was a set up. Since I'm not really good at exploding into anger, which I suspect I'll have to do in the near future - I'm keeping the fires stoked in the back of my head. Just in case.

In more funner news - I finally finished my sword. This one I'm keeping for myself and I've got it displayed on my sword rack in my room. Totally differnt style than the rest of the swords, it fits because the other swords are all differnt styles. And the best part - the sound it makes when you swing it - reminds me of a lightsaber.

Yep, I rock. Should have been a blacksmith.

Back to work...

Thursday, October 07, 2004

carmel apple cider

Ahhh, the nectar of the gods, that stuff is. Co-worker and I made the pilgrimage to Starbucks this morning for this tasty treat. He had a small the night before and had to have a large one today. I'm glad I went along.

Still no progress on my costume. Can't even get it narrowed down.

Back to work...

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

an apology

Just got a call from my room-mate - and my head is spinning. Pretty much equal parts of relief and worry.

He apologized, said he really hated what was happening between us and that he missed his friend. That he didn't want things to end like this between us. We talked about some of the good times and how he just wanted to hang out.

All good and all cool. Except...

I've known him for a long time and I know how sincere he can sound. A part is wondering if I'm being set up again. That there's going to be something totally f'ed up headed my way and I'm being softened up. Wouldn't be the first time.

So, I'm going to go into this with as clean a slate as possible. And still ready to totally lose it on a grand scale if the situation calls for it. I think I was meant to overhear a conversation last night about how there was a problem with his loan.

When did things get so complicated? And when did I get so cynical?

dream of a catalyst

A few nights ago, I dreamed that me and my team of crack researchers had discovered a sub-atomic particle that was the ultimate catalyst. Can't remember what we decided to call it, but in normal quantities, it was the "thing" that allowed change. Without it, everything would stay the same. No chemical reactions, no biological processes, no growth...nothing.

In concentration, it became a destroyer. Acting like a super anti-matter, this substance could distant anything. With no release of energy and nothing left over. My team was trying to figure out what to do with this when I woke up.

In other news... went to home depot last night to try and get costume ideas - not much luck. I could end up as a giant robot like Gort or something, but I'm pretty sure it would be lame.

Wandered up and down every aisle last night, realizing that my muse had left me. I pictured her, hiding under a table, maybe crying a little. She's come out a few times to look at the sword I've been working on (two coats of sealant last night), but she hasn't had any comment. I may have to sit her down and have a good long talk with her - explain that I'm not mad at her and I'm sorry if she took it that way. Hope that works, 'cause without my muse I'm hurting for a costume.

Note to the idiots out there - I'm speaking metaphorically. I do not have a female art student locked in my house, hiding under my table. Sheesh, you people are clueless. Go read a book or something.

Back to work...

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


I got home yesterday to find that the voter registration card that I thought I had filled out in May wasn't complete. A group of people had gone door-to-door getting people registered and taking a poll. I gave them my info and they filled some stuff out, even starting over at one point since they wrote something down wrong. They finished up and left and I figured that was the end of it. Two days later someone from the same group came by to sign me up and I told them that someone from their group had already been by.

Seemed pretty through to me.

So, I was pretty surprised when I see the voter registration card with a note saying I needed to sign it, date it, and turn it in by 9:00 that night. I hopped back in my car and headed over the the Board of Elections. Took about 12 minutes to get there, 30 seconds to stand in line, and about a minute to get things checked over and sign the dang thing. Then another 12 minutes to get home.

I'm diasppointed that the door-to-door people dropped the ball - but at least they noticed the mistake before it was too late. And I have to give some props to the BoE - they were really friendly and on the ball.

So, I'm officially registred to vote and ready to do my part for the country.

Along those same lines - I also set up the on-line voting for the student government elections today. Went off without a hitch, even with last minute changes. Florida, call me. I've got this whole voting thing figured out.

Well, back to work.

Monday, October 04, 2004

halloween concerns

I've never been so behind on my Halloween constume before. I haven't even decided on what I'll be. Most of this has been because of the room-mate stress - it's put me in a really bad mood and pretty much destroyed my creativity and sense of fun. There was more stuff that happened along those lines this past weekend, but I really don't want to dwell on it.

So, I'm down to a non-scary sky (heavy on the blue make-up) or a slightly scary swamp thing. The swamp-thing will be more work, but I sort of feel like hiding in something, rather than trying to stand out.

With the clock ticking, I think it's time to take a trip to home depot and Michaels craft store to get some ideas.

Back to work...

Friday, October 01, 2004

a thank you note

I got a really nice thank you email this morning from one of my users. Those are somewhat rare around here, it was cool to recognized, even though I didn't really do much.

In room-mate news (which, I'm sure, Faithful reader, you're getting just as sick of as I am), I had a pleasant conversation with he and his girlfriend last night. Mostly talking about how the dogs were disappointed with me that I fried up some spam and didn't give them any. She was a little puzzled that I didn't, but I said I didn't want to know what it would do to them. Lulu is already a total gas machine and her farts have driven me out of the house before.

That was about it. Another White Elephant. A huge thing right smack dab in the middle of the room that was don't talk about. He wants out. I want him out. We don't talk about, instead we talk about the dogs.


Should be another busy day - waiting to hear back from some users about stuff that has to launch Tuesday morning. And I really don't want to be here late on Monday to get all the last minute stuff done. It shouldn't be last minute - none is real complicated, they just haven't gotten the info to me.

Oh, in the news of the weird. I went over to a department yesterday to do some training. They were like "Okay, let's go back to so and so's office - you're not allergic to dogs, are you?"
I said I wasn't.
"Good, cause we're puppy sitting today"

Sure enough, they had three puppies in a laundry basket sleeping. And one puppy sitting in one of my student's laps. The puppy kept whining every so often. It was really odd. Like a juggling clown in the middle of the NY stock exchange. Something really out of place, you know. Though, some would say everyone in the NY stock exchange are juggling clowns, I'm talking about a clown in full makeup and costume.

We got through it, then I had to hold the puppy while my student logged in to test out the account.


Okay, enough of that. Back to work...